6 Hours Class

A knowledgeable driver is a safer driver!

OUR FACILITY provides students with a fully approved and accredited online Defensive Driver Course designed to help keep insurance rates low and protect driving records.

Also known as, The 6 hour Point & Insurance Reduction Program.

What is the purpose of completing the Defensive Driver Course?

(1) Reduce 10% off your auto insurance premium for 3 years applicable to the principal operator of each vehicle.

(2) Reduce up to 4 violation points off your driving record that have occurred within 18 months prior to completing the course.

(3) It is also a requirement for the TLC License when applying for or renewing.

(4) Most important of all; saves lives, reduces injury and makes people safer drivers while instilling a sense of responsibility in each individual.

How does it work?

Want to get started?

Point Violation

Click right here to begin.